Morgantown, WV

Monday May 26, 2008

     1:01pm  Wow, it's already one. Let me tell you what's happened. Last night I went walking around. I had a great presentation at the Coldstone, the ice cream place. I bought some ice cream, which was stupid because it was all chilly. I was hungry though so I got ice cream and brownie. Right when I was getting my ice cream some kid asks if he can take my picture. He took my picture and I had a marvelous presentation with five kids inside Coldstone. They wouldn't let me take their picture. Eventually I bought some cake-batter ice cream, which ended up being Jayme's favorite. I bought a brownie too. I set it down while I was telling my story to the all the kids. They let me borrow their cellphone and I called Jayme. She's on her way. Me and Jayme met up and I shared my ice cream with her. We went to Jimmy John's and got some sandwiches. Then she took me to Charlie Brown's house.

                   Oh yeah, I totally forgot. We had sex last night. It was great. Jayme: "You got me off three times." Heehee, you should see the shitfaced grin on my face. Praise love. It's all we need.

                   The time is probably a little past midnight tonight. I cannot believe my tape recorder is working. Today me, Jayme and Sid went for a walk. She showed me some creek nearby and we walked down and walked on the rocks. I was wearing my Columbia sandals without socks. We ended up slipping and falling in the river. I had all my gear on. Like my digital camera and my tape recorder. They got soaked. We came back home and it's all dried out now. My tape recorder is still recording and playing and the cassette isn't ruined so I didn't lose any history. I just tried to turn my camera on and it popped. It's dead. I'm really hoping the gigabyte chip dries out too and I don't lose any pictures. It'll suck if I did.

                   Oh yeah, Jayme needed some downtime. Today was boring because it's Memorial Day and nobody is out. I had an alright presentation with this one girl. Around eleven 'o clock I called Jayme. She was at some cookout at her friends house on Kingwood Street. The guy who gave me directions asked me if I want to match a bowl and I said cool. My weed got a little soaked too when I fell in the creek. He's being my tour guide and showed me where the house was at on Kingwood. We walked up and I saw Jayme. First Mike Brown was barbecuing and he gave me a burger. I met Pooh and afterwards Jayme and I walked all the way up to Pooh's house and had a big smoking session. He made some spaghetti with meat sauce. It was really good. We just walked all the way back. We're all bummed out because we don't have any condoms. But, Jayme has to go to court in the morning, so we should probably get to sleep.

                   Okay, signing off. I hope I didn't lose all my pictures. I'd lose so many, like seven hundred of them.  

Next day..

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