Mathews, Virginia

Wednesday May 14, 2008

     6:37am  Last night we got to the property. Her shed is jam-packed with tons of her stuff. She found out that a lot of her stuff has been stolen. She hasn't been here for like three years. She's pretty upset about it. Last night we pulled out a car seat bench out of the shed, her barn that folded out to a small bed. I crashed out on my military rain poncho on the ground. I got dampened with all the morning condensation. I woke up and Laura wasn't anywhere. I looked in the car and it was still full. I freaked out and started calling out. I heard a muffled voice coming from inside the car. She was underneath all of her clothes in the car. It got pretty cold last night. I only got five and a half hours of sleep last night. I'm alright. Right now I am trying to manifest a scraping tool for my pipe. I think Laura's got a backup sack somewhere.

     7:56am  We drove over to Lynn's family restaurant here in Mathews.

     1:43pm  I woke up about five minutes ago. I took a nap. Right before I went to sleep I asked Laura if she wanted me to empty out the car. Oh yeah, the trailer got delivered. After the guy who delivered the trailer left, David, I think his name was, Laura said she wanted to sleep too. I asked her if I could sleep with her inside, but she said she wanted to be alone. I told her that I didn't mean in the same bed with her, just if I could sleep in the trailer too since it's hot outside. She said no, that she wanted her space. I had to sleep outside the trailer in the sun. It's alright. I got a couple hours of sleep. She got all butt-hurt about me asking. Man, I've been doing nothing but helping her. I'm wondering if those are signs to take off. I am already in Virginia. This is a small-ass town, Mathews. I'm not going to tell my story that much here. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know when she's going to wake up, but I don't know if she's too happy with me anymore. Right now I want to dig a shitter-hole, but I can't find a shovel in the barn. I doubt she'll know where it is either.

     2:06pm  I'm going to walk into town and try and buy some cigarettes. I doubt they'll sell Buglers at the gas stations. I went to the Exxon across the street from where we went to breakfast and they don't sell Buglers there. Right now I am crossing in front of this memorial cemetery on Smithers Lane. 

     2:25pm  I came to Zoom's. Let's see if they sell Buglers here.

     2:28pm  No-go at that store. I'm going to walk the two miles to Mathews and see if they sell Buglers anywhere there.

     2:39pm  I just took a picture of the Silver Leaf Lodge Masonic Temple. There's a car driving around the back of it right now.

     2:43pm  The road I'm walking on is Buckley Hall Road. Two more miles to Mathews.

     2:56pm  Richard is giving me a ride to Mathews. From in front of some lawn and garden store.

                   Hell yeah, I got a ride from some guy named Richard.

                   I just got dropped off at the Shell. They don't sell Buglers here. I'm going to go try the liquor store.

                   No Buglers at the liquor store. I got directed to the Food Line.

                   Whoa, I'm going to go hit up the Subway.

     3:25pm  I forgot to tell you. Right when I left the liquor store I saw some pretty girl and she smiled at me. I turned the corner and hey, there's a Subway. I am telling these other pretty girls my story. Hopefully they'll hook me up. Hell yeah, welcome to Mathews. Hopefully I'll get to fuel up for the short walk back to Laura's property.

     3:30pm  Jessica, the manager at Subway is hooking me up. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks. She's making me a pizza.

     3:40pm  Oh, Food Lion, like an animal.

                   Not only did they sell Buglers at the Food Lion, but they're only a dollar! Laura gave me two dollars yesterday. But when I went to go buy cigarettes I only had one, and that's how much they ended up costing!

                   I've got a full stomach and a slice in my pocket. I've got cigarettes. I'm the happiest man in the world.

                   Now all I need is world peace.

     3:59pm  I had a great presentation with these three kids in front of the Food Lion. They listened hardcore. They let me take their picture and everything. Nice. What a great welcome to Mathews I've had.

     4:21pm  Passing in front of Mathews High School.

     4:28pm  Some magic happened. I was walking back towards Laura's and Richard pulled over for me. He's giving me another ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was rad! He pulled over and gave me a ride back. I got to tell Richard my story! Richard is an older man. He agreed with everything I said. I didn't tell him the Odyssey, or the important part.

     5:20pm  I never mentioned when I got back. Laura is here. She was awake from her nap. We got on this project of extending the rain cover in front of the trailer. The front porch awning. I almost got sliced in half. We eventually figured it out and we got it up. Now the trailer has a front porch. We moved that bed bench we pulled out of the shed yesterday under the awning and I took a nap. It's all nice now. I'm having fun. Oh yeah, and Laura smoked me out, sweet.

Next day..

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